Friday, October 31, 2008
Americans are generally less considered about history and traditions. History for them doesn't seems as something important rather the future. "It's the future that counts."- they think. They have that future is within their control. Modern Americans believe that future is in their hands, they believe in progress and a better future contrasts sharply with the fatalistic; in contrast, in other cultures the future is often considered to be in the hands of fate, God or some powerful people.
Personal response:
I think people shoudn't forget or disrespect their history. They have to remember who they are and where they came from. On the other hand, we can't go on without planning the future. I do believe that my future is in my hands, and i can change it the way i want.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Analysis of the short story
Author's point of view:
The author showed us the example of cowardness. I think he wanted to tell readers not to act like Morton and always stand for your honor. We can judge by his wife's behaviour, that she was not satisfied how her husband just run away from the problem. The fact that she hurried to the house,where she can busy herself with her familiar tasks tells us about her dissapointment in her husband; and it really was a problem. Problem of socioeconomic class's relationships. Morton,who is probably physically more weaker than the guy in a park, shouldn't take his family and go away with shame. In front,he is supposed to protect them from all the bad factors that fall on their heads.It is man's duty. I think author is symphasizing to Morton's wife. If compare her behaviour at the beginning and at the end of the story we can see some changes. "She felt as if all three of them were tracking mud along the street." - the author says.
Personal reflection:
If I were on his place, i would probably stand till the end. It is better to be beaten, but to save your honor and honor of your family than to look weak and defenseless in the eyes of people who are close to you. And what an example he shows to his son? His son will act the same when he'll grow up. He will run in the face of difficulties and danger. And his words that "it wouldn't prove anything" seem to me just like apologizing his cowardness.Sunday, October 19, 2008
Oliver Stone's "W." movie

"W." is the first autobiographical film about a sitting president. The director of the film, Oliver Stone, wanted "W." to be shown before the ending of Bush's presidency, either before the election day. The movie shows president George W. Bush's life from the beginning till nowadays. The reaction of people was different. According to Mark Caro,"Chicago Tribune", "Ripped from the headlines" is a phrase more often associated with "Law & Order" episodes than feature films. Movies generally take too long to make to be responsive to current events, and we generally consider film to be more about posterity than television anyway..."
Stone says that he wasn't intending his film to influence the current race. The fact that release of that movie was during the election race, in which Bush supports Repubicans, make us think that idea of the movie is to change elector's mind. However, Stone' opinion about this "This guy's influence is major. It impacted the world, he changed the way America works, he changed our foreign policy, he has the Bush Doctrine in place, so he's not going away in January, unfortunately".
My Personal Response:
We can compare this movie with Moore's ""Fahrenheit 9/11" in the summer of 2004. Both movies were political movies and came out before the election. I think that is kind of a propaganda. Because film shows Bush as a funny cowboy with a strong ambitions. Anyway, the fact that the film is about an active president makes me think that it is political method of agitating. In fact, the movie doesn't tell us something new about Bush's presidency, but it shows how a group of individuals with motivation and power can infiltrate the sacred office of the United States of America.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Some advices for the beginners!
So you decided to learn the second language? You are sure in yourself and ready to manage all the difficulties on your way to success? Well, first of all, i want to warn you that it is not so easy as you think. Secondly, you must choose the right strategy of learning the language. Finally, jump over your fears and don't be afraid of mistakes!
Personal Response:
Nowdays, the linguists and psychologists are researching for the formula of success. My opinion is that everyone has his own formula, a specific method to learn the second language. All of us have interests and hobbeys. So why don't we combine useful with pleasure. For example, I had seen my favorite movie "The Scareface" a lot of time, but translated to my native language. When i first saw it on original, i was impressed by Al Pacino's voice with a cuban accent. And i understood almost everything, because i heard that before on my language. So that is the example, how to start training your hearing sense of English. I'am sure that everyone can find out the best and quickest way for himself to become successful language learner. Good Luck!